About Us

The Origin

     Rev. John Hao


God chose certain people throughout the ages to stand up for His name, just as God called the prophets in the Old Testament to speak His Will. These prophets were sent and equipped by God Himself. They did not do their own work, but were led by God. These prophets were raised by God in various generations. The missions entrusted to them were not usually understood by others. Therefore, their preaching was not necessarily welcome. Often times, when royalty, officials or religious leaders were immersed in leisure, the prophets pointed out the things they did not like to hear and made them angry. But the prophets still spoke boldly for God. We can see Paul’s commitment to God, when he was called and sent by God (I Cor 2:2). Paul was not bothered by others’ misunderstandings, for God led him. He did not have to consult with anyone (Gal 1:16) because he was only committed to the vision from God (Acts 26:19). Jesus Christ’s Life and Ministry merely to please God. Therefore, there was a Voice coming down from heaven twice saying, “This is my beloved son”. (Matt 3:17, 17:5)


     Thanks to God for giving such a lowly person as me the opportunity to serve Him. The only reason I can serve Him is not to my credit, but His election and grace. There are so many witnesses in the Bible surrounding us like clouds. Are these not the examples for me to follow? God gave me the vision that there’s a great demand today for faithful and truth-pursuing pastors to build more profound and lively churches rooted on the Bible. Having received this vision, should I not offer my whole being? Because of this calling, I left the ministry of almost ten years at Boon Church. During the past ten years, Boon Church grew from about 30 members up to over 700 and planted another church in Long Island, half a year ago. Sentimentally, I did not want to leave that ministry. But I should walk on a way of faith responding to God’s clear calling.


     God led me to start a new ministry of faith, named Faith Bible Inc. This ministry will include theological training to build up pastors; evangelism; community services and church planting. During the past 10 years of pastoral experience and six years of running Christian Witness Theological Seminary, (4 years of extension, 2 years of formal seminary), I have realized the needs of today’s churches. New York Christian Witness Theological Seminary obtained the permission of Christian Witness Fellowship Inc. in California and an officially signed agreement to be incorporated into Faith Bible Inc. and was renamed Faith Bible Seminary. The mission of Faith Bible Inc. is to build a seminary concentrated in theological knowledge, discipleship, spiritual edification, character molding and esteeming the Bible as the highest authority, to establish Faith Bible Churches of the same vision and calling to spread the Gospel.



Introduction to Faith Bible Inc.


Faith Bible Inc. is an non-profit organization of faith that promotes church revival and renewal. It is not affiliated with any denomination or institution. Its role is to train faithful and suitable pastors to build up churches according to the Bible. It abolishes any human hierarchy and believes in the one and only body of Christ. All local churches are independently accountable to Christ only. Churches do not have authority over but help and love one another.

The ministry of Faith Bible Inc. includes theological training of pastors, missions, evangelism, planting churches and providing community services. All churches that are set up by Faith Bible Inc. are named Faith Bible Church.

The goal of Faith Bible Inc. is to serve by faith and esteem Bible the highest authority.

The following are the ministries of Faith Bible Inc.:






CHURCH PLANTING  -------  Building up local, independent Faith Bible

                                                     Churches that love one another and exalt



Training of faithful pastors







Cross-cultural evangelism

Exploration of missionary fields

Broadcasting and audio-video

Faith Bible publishing


Mainland and overseas Chinese Ministry









New immigrants family counseling service

Medical service

Children and youth ministry

Christian school, After school

Day camp, English class

Music class, Chinese school

Senior citizen ministry

Christian bookstore


The Articles


The Articles of Faith Bible Inc. also apply to Faith Bible Churches.


Name and Address


I). Faith Bible Inc. was established by Rev. John Hao. It’s mainly a Mandarin-speaking church body and institution of evangelism. It was registered in New York State in 1995.


II). Faith Bible Inc. is located at 133-20 41 Ave. Flushing NY 11355, USA. (Other Faith Bible Churches will be located at various places.)


Objectives and Statement of Faith


III). Objectives


Christ is the Head of Faith Bible Inc. We esteem the Bible as the highest authority and cultivate God-fearing believers with public worship, faith ministry, fellowship, evangelism, teaching of the truth and other spiritual activities.


IV). Statement of Faith


1). There is but One God, of infinite power and everlasting. In the unity of The Godhead, there are Three Persons; The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.


2). Jesus Christ is a true man and true God. He was born of Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. He was crucified and died to be a sacrifice, righteousness for unrighteousness. Anyone who believes in Him is forgiven of all sins and becomes righteous because of His precious Blood. He was resurrected as prophesied in the Bible. He is now our High Priest, sitting at the right side of the Almighty God. He will come again to establish a Kingdom of righteousness and peace.


3). The Holy Spirit is of one substance, sent to dwell in the hearts of believers, guiding, teaching and empowering them to live like Christ in their daily walk of life.


4). The Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, was inspired by God and is free of error. It completely reveals His salvation plan and is the only guide to sanctification, Christian faith and life.


5). Man was created in the image of God. Man’s body and soul fell into death because of his disobedience. Thus, man is born with a sinful nature and separated from God. Only through Jesus Christ’s redemption can man be saved. Those who do not repent and believed in the Lord will receive eternal damnation. Those who believe in the Lord will have eternal life.


6). Through Jesus Christ, salvation was perfected for everyone. But only those who repent and believe in Him are born of the Holy Spirit; they will have eternal life and be God’s children.


7). God’s Will is to fill all believers with the Holy Spirit, sanctify and deliver them from this world and evil. They should be totally submitted to God’s Will, lead a holy life and effective ministry by God’s Power.


8). The Church consists of all believers, who are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ and born of The Holy Spirit. Christ is the head of the Church, and Church is the Body of Christ. The Church should witness to the world and evangelize all the nations.


9). Believers should worship and serve in local churches, which are independent institutions of God, not governed by any other organizations.


10). The bodies of both the righteous and unrighteous will be resurrected. The righteous will be raised from the dead to eternal life, while the unrighteous to eternal damnation.


11). The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is at hand. The Church will be raptured first, and then there will be great tribulations. After tribulations, Jesus will come again, so will the millennium. This is the blessed hope of believers and an encouragement for those who live a holy life and serve the Lord in this lifetime.


Membership and Sacraments


V. Faith Bible Church adopts the system of membership.


VI. Anyone who ¨receives Jesus Christ as the Savior; ¨attends Faith Bible Church’s worship services regularly; ¨donates to this church regularly; ¨is willing to abide by the Articles of Faith Bible Church; ¨has made a written testimony; ¨taken the membership class; may be accepted publicly as a member of Faith Bible Church after the approval of the pastoral staff.


VII. Only members of this church are qualified to be deacons, elders, or leaders of the ministries.


VIII. All ministries and financial statements of this church should be made known to the church members regularly and publicly. Members have the right to make written suggestions to pastoral staff, elders and deacons.


IX. This church practices baptism by immersion, but accepts those who received different mode of water baptism.


X. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated once a month at this church, or more often as needed.


XI. This church conducts baby dedications, but not infant baptism.


XII. This church may discipline members who sin or have erroneous beliefs according to the Bible.





XIII. This church is not affiliated with any denomination. It has departments of Finance, Property Trust, Evangelism, Christian Education, Literature, Community Services, General affairs, Outreach, Building Maintenance, Worship, Public Relations, Mass Media, Music and English Ministry. All departments are supervised by the council of elders.


XIV. Anyone serving in the above departments is considered a co-worker. Members may serve voluntarily as led by the Holy Spirit and approved by the council of elders.


XV. Departmental co-workers’ meetings may be held as needed in compliance with the Articles of the church.


XVI. All Churches planted by Faith Bible Inc. are coordinated by the Senior Pastor and the council of elders. After the local churches become independent (i.e. three years from their beginning and having reached the point of being self-supporting), they maintain brotherly relations with Faith Bible Inc, and support each other in outreach and evangelism.


XVII. All local Faith Bible churches should donate five [5] percent of their total annual income to Faith Bible Inc. to promote theological education, evangelism, community outreach and church planting.






Faith Bible Association, 75-43Parsons Blvd, Fresh Meadows NY 11366 | Telephone: (718) 961-9355
Email: Offices | Pastoral Care | Webmaster
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