Mission & Vision

                                                          The Origin
                                                                                                 Rev. John Hao  1995

God chose certain people throughout the ages to stand up for His name, just as God called the prophets in the Old Testament to speak His will. These prophets were sent and equipped by God Himself. They did not do their own works, but were led by God. These prophets were raised by God in various generations. The missions entrusted to them were not usually understood by others. Their preachings were not necessarily welcomed. Often times, when royalty, officials or religious leaders were immersed in leisure, the prophets pointed out the things they did not like to hear and made them angry. But the prophets still spoke boldly for God. We can see Paul’s commitment to God, when he was called and sent by God (I Cor 2:2). Paul was not bothered by others’ misunderstandings, for God led him. He did not have to consult with anyone (Gal 1:16) because he was only committed to the vision from God (Acts 26:19). Jesus Christ’s Life and Ministry merely to please God. Therefore, there was a Voice coming down from heaven twice saying, “This is my beloved son”. (Matt 3:17, 17:5)

    Thanks to God for giving such a lowly person as me the opportunity to serve Him. The only reason I can serve Him is not to my credit, but His election and grace. There are so many witnesses in the Bible surrounding us like clouds. Are these not the examples for me to follow? God gave me the vision that there’s a great demand today for faithful and truth-pursuing pastors to build more profound and lively churches rooted on the Bible. Having received this vision, should I not offer my whole being? Because of this calling, I left the ministry of almost ten years at Boon Church. During the past ten years, Boon Church grew from about 30 members up to over 700 and planted another church in Long Island, half a year ago. Sentimentally, I did not want to leave that ministry. But I should walk on a way of faith responding to God’s clear calling.

    God led me to start a new ministry of faith, named Faith Bible Inc. This ministry will include theological training to build up pastors; evangelism; community services and church planting. During the past 10 years of pastoral experience and six years of running Christian Witness Theological Seminary, (4 years of extension, 2 years of formal seminary), I have realized the needs of today’s churches. New York Christian Witness Theological Seminary obtained the permission of Christian Witness Fellowship Inc. in California and an officially signed agreement to be incorporated into Faith Bible Inc. and was renamed Faith Bible Seminary. The mission of Faith Bible Inc. is to build a seminary concentrated in theological knowledge, discipleship, spiritual edification, character molding and esteeming the Bible as the highest authority, to establish Faith Bible Churches of the same vision and calling to spread the Gospel.

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